Professional Staff

Professional staff Lisa A. Baird

Lisa A. Baird

Professional staff Mary H. Dailey
Office Assistant

Mary H. Dailey

Professional staff Christine E. Davitt

Christine E. Davitt

Professional staff Hailey N. Dodson
Office Assistant

Hailey N. Dodson

Professional staff Kate B. Fowler

Kate B. Fowler

Professional staff Caroline Hall
Marketing Manager

Caroline Hall

Professional staff Abby M. Mueller
Legal Assistant

Abby M. Mueller

Professional staff Amber L. Mullins
Contract Administrator

Amber L. Mullins

Professional staff Olivia A. Oliver
Contract Administrator

Olivia A. Oliver

Professional staff Jennifer N. Randleman
Firm Administrator

Jennifer N. Randleman

Professional staff Nikki R. Rusch
Finance Director

Nikki R. Rusch


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