The Allensworth Water Law practice group analyzed updates from the 2023 legislative session for bills that affect our Water Supply Corporation (WSC) and Special Utility District (SUD) clients. Below you can download a brief analysis of what we consider to be the most important changes to the law, categorized by (1) Open Government laws, (2) Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) laws, (3) Infrastructure Funding laws, and (4) WSC-related laws. If you have questions about these changes in the law, or how to implement them, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Open Government laws:

HB 1957 Relating to the availability of financial information of nonprofit corporations for public inspection.

HB 3033 Relating to the public information law.

HB 3440 Relating to the governmental bodies required to post on the Internet agendas for meetings under the open meetings law.

Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) laws:

HB 2442 Relating to certificates of public convenience and necessity issued to certain retail public utilities.

SB 893 Relating to the correction of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for providing water or sewer service.

Infrastructure Funding laws:

SB 469 Relating to the eligibility of certain political subdivisions to receive certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Water Development Board.

SB 28 Relating to financial assistance provided and programs administered by the Texas Water Development Board.

WSC-related laws:

SB 317 Relating to appellate jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission regarding certain water or sewer service fees.

SB 2601 Relating to payment of costs related to the relocation of certain utility facilities for state highway projects.

Download 2023 Legislative Updates for Water Providers in Texas


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